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  • Writer's pictureCharlotte Tuckwood

Pregnancy and exercise...

is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

Some of you, I know I definitely have done, may get looks of concerns from certain people when you say you're going to the gym or an exercise class at any point in your pregnancy.

"ooo don't wear yourself out" ... "be careful!!" ... "Are you sure that's okay?"

Whilst I'm sure these comments are made with the best of intentions, it can sometimes just plant seeds of doubt into expectant mothers minds and just completely scaremonger.

Unless advised otherwise by a doctor/midwife because of a condition or complication you have, exercise is not dangerous for you and your baby Some evidence suggests that active women are less likely to experience problems later on in the pregnancy and it can also help you cope in labour.

Studies also support the fact that psychologically, regular exercise helps pregnant women adapt to their changing shape and weight gain.

Although most pregnant women do not meet minimal exercise recommendations, there are a growing number of physically active women who wish to continue training throughout pregnancy.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy include making the joints stronger to help manage the possible excess weight gain, improve circulation, manage backache, helps with post birth recovery, helps manage pregnancy mood swings, and generally help you feel well both mentally and physically. Improved body confidence and acceptance of your changing body can also be achieved with regular exercise.

What should you do?

Lower impact exercise such as Yoga and Pilates- great for helping with aching hips and back pain associated with the body changing and growing in pregnancy. Core work in Pilates also helps prevent Diastisis Recti (abdominal separation) after birth.

Weight lifting- great for building and maintaining muscle mass

Walking outdoors/low intensity cardio (treadmill, stair master, cross trainer etc)- these forms of cardio generally have a low injury risk, great for heart health and just keeping the body moving overall in a safe way.

Swimming- the water helps support increased body weight

You can also never go wrong with hitting up a pre-natal specific class! (The Reformer Studio has a great pre and post natal community!)

Things to consider...

Your pre-pregnancy activity levels. Now is not the time to be learning to a new skill or jumping into high intensity activities! If you’ve never lifted weights in your life or trained, invest in a really good coach who is pre and post natal trained as there are also certain exercises and machines in the gym for example that are not recommended during pregnancy.

Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to be beneficial so don’t exhaust yourself and listen to your body. If you need rest, rest!

If you are a regular gym goer now is not the time to be hitting PB’s, the idea is maintenance, so drop the weights if you need to and increase reps. Leave the ego at the door and just focus on your sessions leaving you feeling good and accomplished.

Avoid exercises that have you lying on your back for long periods of time (especially as bump gets bigger) as this puts pressure on the main blood vessel bringing blood back to your heart and can cause you to feel faint.

Looking after your body, not just during pregnancy, but in all phases of your life is such an important thing and movement has so many benefits for your health that go far beyond the simple weight loss narrative.

If you are unsure on approaching exercise during pregnancy, or even just in general, lets see how we could work together to overcome that!-

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